Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Korean B.B.Q and KImchi

Yesterday Suraya and I went for a movie and lunch. At first we planed to go to Mid Valley but we went to Pavilion instead (like always). Quickly after we bought the Hancock tickets we rushed to the food court since I was craving for some Korean food and we are on low budget, we settled for the food court. I finally decided to order my self a Korean beef bbq meal with Kimchi as a side order. By the time i picked up my tray of food, Suraya had already found a place for us and happily forking her food in.

The meal= rice+condiments(potatoes and turnip)+miso soup+bbq beef+kimchi

The meal I had was RM 24++ and considering the portion of the bbq-ed beefs and the tenderness of it I can say that I am very satisfied with the amount of money paid. It’s worth it. The taste of the beef was soooooooooooooooooooooo good! However after eating most of it I started to get a bit giddy.... sigh.. I can’t eat too much meat and oily food (the beef was a bit oily). After lunch we went to watch Hancock and hang around at my Starbucks. More pictures here:

1 comment:

Tyazizul said...

u lyn ke mid??lyn pavy n starhill x pun gardens?