Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Im back!

Hellow dear readers, your not so average writer is back on the blogstand! Yeah I know that sounds lame. News. Ok i am officially a bit outdated but these flares about Gossip Girls are definitely what I want to talk about. Yeah GG has those uptown royalties and stuffs, but here we have downtown royalties like me yay! (Gosh royalty is such a big word)

oh crap I’m bloggin (more like blabbering). What you see in that show kinda reminded me of loads of things I experienced in the past. Being a social outcast, loosing my best friends, being the talk of my community, scandals and secrets and betrayals well minus the lavish card swiping world that GG featured tho. Some people loves the show because they can never have that kind of lifestyles, the uptown socialites lifestyles, the clothes, the money, the glamour, the house, t
he girls and boys the wealth, the looks, but I love the show because of the reality that’s in it minus those mentioned above.

Conclusion. I’m sure everyone loves to gossip, let me tell you this, Gossips kills and those who gossips about other people kills the person they gossips about. Take me for an example, I donno why people loves talking about me. No I’m not bragging about it but yeah I’m sometimes disturbed. Quote “do you know kaye? He is so fat now", "OMG he was seen with this guy shopping at a mall, is he gay"', "I heard he is copying someone's style","he doesn't deserve the girl he is with","he is just playing that girl" "he crashed his car again" those are the normal ones and I rather not go into details about the gory ones.

Yeah its fun to gossips, although men denied that they gossips and escape to the comfort of using the word networking we all know that it carries the same meaning. In urban terms of coz.

Secrets, lies, betrayals, love, scandals are all apart or someone's life and what makes it so interesting to be unveiled? Simply coz knowledge is power.

Here is what I wanted to say to all those that gossips bout me. I can do whatever I want, I can shop with whoever whenever wherever I want, I buy things that I want because I can afford them, I be fat or thin coz I want it, I will befriend whoever I want and stop these nonsense bout me.

Keep this in mind. What if it is you?(been gossiped about) XOXO go die!

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