Monday, August 25, 2008

Behind the scenes

Wow it’s been freakin long time since I posted anything on this blog. For now my live is a bit crazy. Juggling my studies, work, pastries, assignments and my errands, it’s a lot and I had recently fallen sick so often that it is now a normal thing for me. However it is, life must go on. So here are some updates of my self. Remember that I wrote on my last post that I was an extra for Sazzy Falak, the episode was aired last week on Astro. Hahahh I looked very funny.

Last week I was involved with another production. This time it was a radio ad on fly fm for Gloria Jeans Coffees, it is my very first time recording for a radio ad
and seriously it was bloody damn hard! The worse part is I think I sounded like a chipmunk! So please listen to fly fm any day and maybe you would hear my chipmunkie voice promoting the Gloria Jeans Coffees Ramadhan set menu. By the way please don’t laugh until you crash your car ya (for those who might be listening while they are driving) Here are some pics taken on the recording day.


ili zain said... nyer...nanti aku dgr...mesti klaka...

Kaye Ridzuan said...

hahhaha tulah aku pun dgr dah kelaka lagi ko yg dengr. misti gelak sampai sakit perut!

a4aja said...

k...aku nk dgr!

ili zain said...

eleh...ko ckp biase pn leh putus tali perut aku....dh lame x borok ngan ko...mesti byk word baru ko create...ko mmg mengedigedel...