Friday, December 19, 2008


I would like to formally introduce my new pastry blog which resides on this address :

Taste Invasion which will be the brand name of my home made pastry business will be participating on various flea markets around KL. Look out for updates on the mentioned activities on the blog. Other than that Taste Invasion had established a Facebook Group, all members are updated via personal msges. Here is my pride and joy logo!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm gonna

Miss Saturday classes at Taylor’s

Miss my station partner Sue
(i look "jovial" overdose of sugar and fats, "shut it!")

Miss lunches with my class mates
(fyi: i dont drink ya!!! they do hahah)

Miss Nurul’s cooking and lunches

Miss pigging out chef’s pastries coz I want to save mine and pig out at home

Miss the housewives and their drama
Miss chatting with the uncle who parked my car every week at the valet
Miss Taylor’s…

Ok celaka I am talking as if I’m not going back there to purposely take some other courses that I know I can live without. Heheheh. Some drama ya?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Pride and Joy

Okay this post is solely for the purpose of bragging and showing off my cute little nephews! Like the KFC radio commercial dialog “SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Heee.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Akuarium dan ikan ku sayang

I’m a bit crazy today so I’m going to write in BM instead.

Ini akuarium ku, didalamnya ada 3 ekor ikan emas yang ku beri nama “porky, piggy dan bacon”. Mereka sangat comel dan menghiburkan hatiku. Detik-detik ketika aku gusar sekilas ku terpandang mereka terubat juga hatiku.

Emak dan ayah kurang menyokong tindakanku untuk memelihara ikan sebagai binatang kesayangan tetapi aku berdegil juga, hahhaa seperti biasa aku meneruskan juga perjuanganku untuk mempunyai akuarium, jeng jeng jeng! Inilah mereka dan akuarium ku yg cantik berseri-seri bagai puan seri!

So how’s my Malay? Not that bad aye?